Living Alone // learning to love the single life

Sunday, October 21, 2018

(July 2018)

Hello, lovely people! It's me, Hannah Marie. Today, I am here to talk about an important topic... SINGLEHOOD & LIVING ALONE.

Yes, I went there.

In case you don't follow me on Twitter (which, if not, you totally should??) earlier this summer, I moved out into the scary world of adulthood. In other words, I have an apartment. Alone. By myself. With no one around.

On top of that, I'm living in a town where I basically know NO ONE. 

Not to be dramatic, but IT'S KINDA DRAMATIC.

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What You ACTUALLY Need for Uni // packing list

Friday, August 24, 2018

It's nearing the end of August & Back-To-School Season is officially upon us! Most elementary/primary school through highschool/secondary schools (in my area, anyway) have started by now. Most universities, however, will begin within the next couple of weeks. It's pretty insane that it's already that time of year again, but who cares?? I never turn my nose up at another excuse to go shopping... Especially if it has anything to do with stationary & notebooks. *cheeky wink*
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Friday, August 3, 2018

This is me.

This is me living authentically & without regrets.

This is me not letting my fear of other people's opinions get in the way of me following my calling.

This is me being me.

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Bleet: the App Where Bloggers Meet // I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Hello, lovely people! Forgive my all-caps SCREAMING in the title, but I am genuinely excited about this post. Why? Well, lemme tell you... this is actually kind of a dream-come-true for me. Why?? Well, lemme explain.
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Meeting an Internet Friend IRL // from blogging to besties

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Hello, lovely people! Yes, I am back again.

Today I have a very exciting story to share with you. While it is something that happened over a month ago, it is still very important & special to me. I've been wanting to write about this ever since it happened, but honestly, I needed time to process the whole thing. It was just so life-changing!!

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